Monday, January 15, 2007


I'm back. Haven't posted anything for more than a week because of two important activities. We were informally involved in the medical care of a patient in the intensive care unit and my wife took part in her first golf tournament.

Both activities resulted in favorable outcomes so I am now back in business. The campaign period officially began yesterday and the next few weeks will be interesting because I will be treading upon terra incognita. We will see where this wave will bring me. I just think that going around the country with a message will lead me to meet people. Instead of seeing a hundred patients a day, I may be able to influence public policy that can potentially affect millions of lives.

One of the biggest limitations of a concerned private citizen in the Philippines is the lack of access to government documents. I want to be able to study the country's unvarnished financial books and speak with the many bureaucrats tasked to keep the country going. I need to be able to form conclusions from first-hand, reliable and undoctored data.

A very important component of leadership is problem solving which can only be achieved with careful analysis of true data.

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