Sunday, February 11, 2007

Day 1

First full day as a declared candidate but unable to campaign because the start of the campaign period is still 2 days from now. I emailed my classmates and friends and asked for their prayers and support. I called a couple of printing presses and inquired about the production of election materials. I spoke to advertising executives and I spoke to party staffers. Usually, in a national campaign, the candidates are only told where to go and what audience to expect. This early, I am having to do everything by myself. I am accustomed to hardship and this does not bother me. I am starting small and inauspicious: there is nowhere to go but higher. What got me to pause was when my 6 year old daughter, calling long distance told me she threw a coin in the fountain this afternoon and she wished that I would be home in Bacolod tomorrow

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